Recent News About None-----
Cloverdale 4-H Club is sponsoring a fundraiser for the NE State 4-H Camp at Halsey
Cloverdale 4-H Club is sponsoring a fundraiser for the NE State 4-H Camp at Halsey.
Had Some professional black bear hunters from Maine come in and talk to our 2nd grade
We had some professional black bear hunters from Maine come in and talk to our 2nd grade class about Bear and Moose hunting.
The previous Chamber Bucks expire December 31st!
The previous Chamber Bucks expire December 31st!
The Nebraska 4-H Fed Steer Challenge
The Nebraska 4-H Fed Steer Challenge.
Melham Blood Drive on November 30, 2022
The Red Cross still has an urgent need for blood, so Melham is hosting another great opportunity to help bridge the gap.
All of us at the Valley County Sheriff's Office would like to honor all the Veterans
All of us at the Valley County Sheriff's Office would like to honor all the Veterans but especially our own Chief Deputy Dave Scheideler for your service, sacrifice and commitment to our Country and Communities!
Thank you, Loup County School Boosters
Thank you, Loup County School Boosters.
Shannon Dabney has been named the Valley County Health System (VCHS) Employee of the Quarter
Shannon Dabney has been named the Valley County Health System (VCHS) Employee of the Quarter.
Honor of serving breakfast
We had the honor of serving breakfast to those who served our country.
Congratulations Shawna Lansman and Amber Winter
Congratulations Shawna Lansman and Amber Winter!
Family Fall Fun Night in Taylor thank you Darcia for taking photographs
Family Fall Fun Night in Taylor thank you Darcia for taking photographs.
Kindergarten class got to go to the courthouse
Kindergarten class got to go to the courthouse.
THANK YOU to those in our community that participated in this year’s Step Challenge
THANK YOU to those in our community that participated in this year’s Step Challenge to celebrate National Physical Therapy Month throughout the month of October!
Gym Ratz Ogallala officially started!
Gym Ratz Ogallala officially started! Over 180 kids grades 1st-8th
Partnership we have with Great Plains Health
We are thankful for the partnership we have with Great Plains Health sports medicine.
Brown County Hospital, Specialty Clinic & Ainsworth Family Clinic staff would like to thank all of our patients and families
Brown County Hospital, Specialty Clinic & Ainsworth Family Clinic staff would like to thank all of our patients and families.
Elementary ambassadors take great care of our teachers
Our elementary ambassadors take great care of our teachers!
FCCLA members are selling fruit until November 11th
FCCLA members are selling fruit until November 11th.
Elementary celebrated Red Ribbon Week
The elementary celebrated Red Ribbon Week last week, we had a great week of activities & dress up days! Here are a few highlights.
Keith County Area Development has been fully engaged in activity this October!
Keith County Area Development has been fully engaged in activity this October!